Monday, September 16, 2013

Questions for the article, "Digital McLuhan"


 1. What are the differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the
alphabetical visual world? How does the media of television become a part of the
acoustic world?

The differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the alphabetical visual world are that the information is perceived at two levels. In the pre-literate acoustic world, it is defined as having no boundaries and that information can be received from anywhere and everywhere. It is not confined to one area, but it is still one directional and lacks biases. The alphabetical visual world tends to have more  of a meaning and purpose allowing individuals to think more abstractly. McLuhan states that television is "musical, mythic, and immersive while lacking a defined perspective." Television is a part of the acoustic world because we are allowing ourselves to have a mesmerizing experience with the use of our five senses.

 2. Why does the alphabet have the segregating tendencies? How exactly does the
printing press reverse the segregating tendencies?

The alphabet has segregating tendencies because it quite complex and very few could communicate. Before the printing press arrived, words were unable to be published in written form. This created a divide between the upper literate class and the lower illiterate class. Nowadays, the printing press reversed the segregating tendencies because they made it possible to share multiple texts. This invention has given people a better chance to become more successful in their lives with the ability to read and write smoothly. 

 3. How does the alphabetic communication in online communication make
cyberspace acoustic? How is the online acoustic world different from the
television, radio, or print acoustic world?

The alphabetic communication in online communication makes cyberspace acoustic by covering all aspects of communication itself. The alphabet gave us the ability to communicate with our own senses and later on with the Phoenician alphabet, provided us with a language. Today, we are able to communicate through video, audio, and written text which has allowed us to create a more interactive and social environment. The online acoustic world is different from the television, radio, and print acoustic world because the author describes it as "closed acoustic spaces."

 4. Not only do we invent media and media technologies but also we select their
uses in different contexts. What are the two selection criteria? According to the
selection criteria, please discuss what will happen to our online communication in
20 years.

The two selection criteria that we use are "We want media to extend our communications beyond biological boundaries" and "We want media to recapture elements of that biological communication even though we have exceeded it in our extensions." According to the selection criteria, media evolves and changes due to society always enhancing. In the next 20 years, us humans will want to satisfy our biological sensory needs and choose the media technologies that will allow us a greater experience, even if they have to be altered. This really is an ongoing effect because of the desire of humans to always want more.

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