Sunday, September 8, 2013

Questions for Introduction: "Worship at the Altar of Convergence" to the book Convergence Culture by Henry Jenkins

Convergence Culture

1. Why does Convergence happen in the communication and media fields?

Convergence happens in the communication and media fields because old media and new media collide as one. They combine to make new exploration for media and provide a path for communication to keep evolving. Old media such as radio, television, and newspapers still exist today, but are slowly coming to an end due to the growing popularity of the internet. New forms of media still offer the same content, but function through different channels and allow information to be presented and shared faster than their prerequisites.

2. What are the three different kinds of digital convergence discussed in the article?

The three kinds of digital convergence discussed in this article are media convergence, collective convergence, and a participatory culture. Digital convergence was discussed as a collaboration between various media industries, a continuing sequence of content through the media platforms, and as changing behaviors of media audiences who desire to discover the best entertainment experiences.

3. What cultural and social impacts does digital convergence have in addition to technological changes?

The cultural and social impacts that digital convergence has in addition to technological changes are that it changes the way people interact and communicate with each other. Nowadays with the invention of social networking and dominating popular culture, people have the ability to share information and become involved with the media rather than passive communicators. Digital convergence is also allowing people from all over the world to connect via Skype or google hangout. This is one of the most exciting impacts in history that was more than unthinkable thirty years ago.

4. Do the new media displace old media in the history of media development? Why or why not?

New Media does displace old media in the history of media development because it is more technically advanced. Also, it allows everyone to actively participate with each other. However, there are still people who love to read the newspaper, keeping the old media alive. An another example is music which used to be played on the radio, but now is on pandora, iTunes, and youtube. This does not simply mean that radio and record players are any less existent, it just means that there are more ways to access different types of media.

5. The convergence happens from both the top-down corporate level and bottom grassroots level. How do both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption?

The top-down corporate level is exploring new ways to improve their consumers wants. The media use different technologies to gain a valued response from the active everyday consumer. Both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption by altering the way they attract consumers. Now the bottom grassroots level has more power because they are able to offer their own opinions on products as well as the like ability factor. The producer and consumer of a product are almost at equal level.

6. What does digital convergence in media indicate for communication and journalism professionals in the future?

People who work in journalism will have to move to the internet since everything now is becoming digital and print media is fading away. Writing will still exist but communication is still evolving and changing. We will have to get used to the constant changing forms of media and see the content always converging. Also that journalists need to be able to compete with multiple levels of media and be able to adapt to the new changes that will occur over time.

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