Saturday, September 28, 2013

Political Reaction to Senate's Immigration Plan

The Senate's Immigration Plan has been a popular topic discussed in politics recently. President Obama once again demanded that the Senate provide a way for undocumented immigrants to become citizens of the United States. Most Democrats are supporting Obama's speech on the immigration bill, while Republicans are opposing it and want to focus on heavy border control. Even though the majority support a pathway for citizenship, there is still some questioning. According to the polls, both parties agree that adding border agents and a 700 mile fence to seperate the United States and Mexico is an effective plan. When it comes to immigration, the United States should allow immigrants to become citizens because that has always been our symbol that we are the land of freedom and opportunity. However in the past few decades, the controversy between illegal immigrants and the border of Mexico has become astronomically worse. Even though final decisions have not yet been made, there are still some Republicans that do support some kind of reform. Back in July, Republicans and Democrats fought over border control and the path for citizenship and while both parties have different ideas, there is hope that some sort of immigration reforms will be achieved.

Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Commitee recently said that he is "against creating a certain path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants." During the summer, the senate approved the comprehensive immigration bill which would allow immigrants to get green cards in 10 years and apply for citizenship 3 years after that. After researching more on the immigration reforms, I found that most Republicans believe that there should be a special category: "legal, but permanently non-citizen" whom will be able to work and pay taxes, but unable to vote. The major benefits of making immigrants become citizens is it will boost and help the economy. This approach is possibly effective, however it does not completely solve the issues of our broken immigration system. Now the Democrats are looking for GOP support to push for a more satisfied immigration reform.  There is still hope that the Senate will eventually pass a bill that will create a process for the undocumented to become citizens since it has been a prominent topic.

President Obama is offering a plan to fix the immigration system and there is a possibility that the pathway for citizenship will be reinstated. He gave a speech on June 11, 2013 "highlighting the benefits of immigration reform." I would say I have some sympathy for people who have come from all over the world to restart their lives in the United States. Once I heard Tolu Olubumni share her story, I feel that people especially like this should be given a chance to become a rightful citizen. Deporting dreamers is going against what the United States believes in. Our country was built on dreams since it was an innocent wilderness at first. The United States started from an immigration standpoint since many of us are of european decent, asian decent, or african decent. President Obama stated that "40% of fortune companies were started by first or second generation Americans." All United States Citizens are technically decendents of immigrants if roots are traced back far enough. In this video, President Obama discusses the Senate's immigration plan for the United States.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Questions for "Virtual Revolution" by BBC Part 1, 2, and 3

1. The web is celebrated as the revolutionary technology that is great
leveling of humanity creating equal opportunity, equal access, and equal
potential. However, there are only a quarter of people on the earth who
can use it. How do you explain the controversial augment here?

The controversial augment is that the web does not offering all of these possibilities since only a quarter of people on the earth can access it and find information. The only way for the web to fulfill equality is allowing everyone on the world to have the benefits of technology as well as complete access.

2. How is Wikipedia the best example to implement the leveling ideas of the
Web rooted in the cultural revolution of 1960s, namely the
Libertarianism in the counter culture? How does it explain some of the
digital convergences?

Wikipedia is the best example to implement the leveling ideas of the Web rooted in the cultural revolution of the 1960s because like the Libertarianism movement, it expressed a mixture of both left and right wing ideas combining and rejected censorship, state control, and mainly focused on individual free will which allows everyone to share their ideas and opinions. It is a way for people to have a freedom to write what they want. This is exactly related to the idea of Libertarianism. It also explains some of the digital convergences because it is bringing ideas together on digital media.

3. How does the Web make it possible for different kinds of digital

The web makes it possible for different kinds of digital convergence because the web takes ideas from unimaginable locations and combines them into one revolutionary technology. On the web, we can search for information via google, we can play games, we can communicate and connect with friends via social networking, and the possibilities are endless. The web is a place where everything comes together to make life and communication more convenient.

4. How can the Internet become a challenge for traditional authority? Use
the political landscape changes in some counties to illustrate your

The Internet can become a challenge for traditional authority because there is no single individual who has complete control over the what can be posted. Nowadays, almost everyone is a journalist somehow by writing or sharing stories on the internet. In such a digital world still, the control on the internet is very limited, however the government can still block people from certain types of sites.

5. Do you believe that getting information free can set us free eventually?
Why or Why not? Do you see any concerns of the complete freedom or
self-expression without limit on the Internet? Why or why not?

I believe that getting information free can set us free eventually because the world will become a more literate place. If people are able to think for themselves, that is a freedom. The internet has given us the freedom to learn, connect with other people, and gain some knowledge. There are some concerns of the complete freedom and self-expression without limit on the Internet because millions of people share it, it is publicly owned. If there a story on the web and someone does not approve it, there can be some issues, especially with hackers. One of the most risky operations would be the search for government information the Internet.

6. In traditional media communications, it has the “vertical” authority. In the
Web commutation, it becomes “horizontal?” How do you explain the
change? How does this create the possibility for digital media

The change in web communication is horizontal now because everyone has a chance to share their ideas and opinions on the Internet. We all contribute to the web and are creators of our own media. Traditionally with vertical authority, there was one person with the majority of control and authority. This creates the possibility for digital media convergence because everyone is coming together to form the web and it is providing ways to collectively become involved. The digital world is convergences all the previous types of technologies and media to reach media convergence.

7. Why is that the Web is free critical for the success of the Web itself? How
does that clash with the corporate business philosophy? How does that
pose challenges for copyright issues at the same time? What will happen
if the Web is not free?

The Web is free critical for the success of the Web itself because without these freedoms, people would lose their opportunities to get out their word and communication will dramatically decrease. The users have a vast amount of contribution to the internet so it basically works off what people create. Also without freedoms, the internet would lose popularity and digital media will slowly fade. The internet would return to almost a dictatorship and the world would be instantly different technologically and most likely socially as well. It clashes with corporate business philosophy because the Internet was unimaginable at one time, it is an incredible and exhilarating experience. The accessibility on the internet is dominant, but there is no single dominator who is making money. Large corporations are rather disappointed since there goal is to make money off of what they create. That poses challenges for copyright issues at the same time because once a user posts something on the internet, it immediately becomes public information even if it is private. Many people can access this information and steal it for their own satisfaction. This makes it extremely difficult for the government as well. If the web wasn't free, its amazing qualities would be lost. Some do not realize how much of a convenience the Internet is  today. It would be a devastation to enter a digital world where accessibility was limited. One of the major problems is that a monopoly would form and society's ideas, dreams, and thoughts would vanish or be controlled by vertical authority. The Internet is most known for being the greatest achievement of humanity and perhaps without the freedoms it has, the equality of all people wouldn't exist.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Questions for the article, "Digital McLuhan"


 1. What are the differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the
alphabetical visual world? How does the media of television become a part of the
acoustic world?

The differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the alphabetical visual world are that the information is perceived at two levels. In the pre-literate acoustic world, it is defined as having no boundaries and that information can be received from anywhere and everywhere. It is not confined to one area, but it is still one directional and lacks biases. The alphabetical visual world tends to have more  of a meaning and purpose allowing individuals to think more abstractly. McLuhan states that television is "musical, mythic, and immersive while lacking a defined perspective." Television is a part of the acoustic world because we are allowing ourselves to have a mesmerizing experience with the use of our five senses.

 2. Why does the alphabet have the segregating tendencies? How exactly does the
printing press reverse the segregating tendencies?

The alphabet has segregating tendencies because it quite complex and very few could communicate. Before the printing press arrived, words were unable to be published in written form. This created a divide between the upper literate class and the lower illiterate class. Nowadays, the printing press reversed the segregating tendencies because they made it possible to share multiple texts. This invention has given people a better chance to become more successful in their lives with the ability to read and write smoothly. 

 3. How does the alphabetic communication in online communication make
cyberspace acoustic? How is the online acoustic world different from the
television, radio, or print acoustic world?

The alphabetic communication in online communication makes cyberspace acoustic by covering all aspects of communication itself. The alphabet gave us the ability to communicate with our own senses and later on with the Phoenician alphabet, provided us with a language. Today, we are able to communicate through video, audio, and written text which has allowed us to create a more interactive and social environment. The online acoustic world is different from the television, radio, and print acoustic world because the author describes it as "closed acoustic spaces."

 4. Not only do we invent media and media technologies but also we select their
uses in different contexts. What are the two selection criteria? According to the
selection criteria, please discuss what will happen to our online communication in
20 years.

The two selection criteria that we use are "We want media to extend our communications beyond biological boundaries" and "We want media to recapture elements of that biological communication even though we have exceeded it in our extensions." According to the selection criteria, media evolves and changes due to society always enhancing. In the next 20 years, us humans will want to satisfy our biological sensory needs and choose the media technologies that will allow us a greater experience, even if they have to be altered. This really is an ongoing effect because of the desire of humans to always want more.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Questions for Introduction: "Worship at the Altar of Convergence" to the book Convergence Culture by Henry Jenkins

Convergence Culture

1. Why does Convergence happen in the communication and media fields?

Convergence happens in the communication and media fields because old media and new media collide as one. They combine to make new exploration for media and provide a path for communication to keep evolving. Old media such as radio, television, and newspapers still exist today, but are slowly coming to an end due to the growing popularity of the internet. New forms of media still offer the same content, but function through different channels and allow information to be presented and shared faster than their prerequisites.

2. What are the three different kinds of digital convergence discussed in the article?

The three kinds of digital convergence discussed in this article are media convergence, collective convergence, and a participatory culture. Digital convergence was discussed as a collaboration between various media industries, a continuing sequence of content through the media platforms, and as changing behaviors of media audiences who desire to discover the best entertainment experiences.

3. What cultural and social impacts does digital convergence have in addition to technological changes?

The cultural and social impacts that digital convergence has in addition to technological changes are that it changes the way people interact and communicate with each other. Nowadays with the invention of social networking and dominating popular culture, people have the ability to share information and become involved with the media rather than passive communicators. Digital convergence is also allowing people from all over the world to connect via Skype or google hangout. This is one of the most exciting impacts in history that was more than unthinkable thirty years ago.

4. Do the new media displace old media in the history of media development? Why or why not?

New Media does displace old media in the history of media development because it is more technically advanced. Also, it allows everyone to actively participate with each other. However, there are still people who love to read the newspaper, keeping the old media alive. An another example is music which used to be played on the radio, but now is on pandora, iTunes, and youtube. This does not simply mean that radio and record players are any less existent, it just means that there are more ways to access different types of media.

5. The convergence happens from both the top-down corporate level and bottom grassroots level. How do both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption?

The top-down corporate level is exploring new ways to improve their consumers wants. The media use different technologies to gain a valued response from the active everyday consumer. Both levels change the traditional concept of media consumption by altering the way they attract consumers. Now the bottom grassroots level has more power because they are able to offer their own opinions on products as well as the like ability factor. The producer and consumer of a product are almost at equal level.

6. What does digital convergence in media indicate for communication and journalism professionals in the future?

People who work in journalism will have to move to the internet since everything now is becoming digital and print media is fading away. Writing will still exist but communication is still evolving and changing. We will have to get used to the constant changing forms of media and see the content always converging. Also that journalists need to be able to compete with multiple levels of media and be able to adapt to the new changes that will occur over time.